Wednesday, August 27, 2014



Here is a list of the 10 most common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs.  Ask your parents to look at this list and to help you decide your top 3 E Traits.  Then, record their answers on the Voice Thread.

CONFIDENCE: belief in yourself and your abilities; self-confidence

PERSISTENCE:  to continue firmly in a plan or course of action; to last or endure

INTEGRITY: moral character;  honesty; consistently following rules of right behavior    
CREATIVITY:  the ability to “think outside the box” and come up with original and imaginative ideas

ENTHUSIASM:  a lively interest that is applied to different activities;  excitement

DETERMINATION: making a strong decision and being purposeful about following through on it

RISK- TAKING: being able to take decisive action, even if the outcome is unknown.

INDEPENDENCE;  able to act on one’s own;  free from the control of others

ADAPTABILITY: able to adjust to new situations;  the ability to make changes to fit a new situation or set of problems

HARD WORKING- willing to put in the extra time and effort to make a project successful